RCBS beginners reloading kit for sale-Rock Chucker reloading kit for sale
RCBS Rock Chucker Supreme Master Reloading Kit includes the following 11 items:
1-Rock Chucker Supreme Press: Accepts Standard 7/8″-14 thread dies with bushing, and 1-1/4″-12 without bushing · 4.25″ Operating Window.
2- Debur Tool that can be used one cases from .17-.60.
3-Accessory Handle – 2 with two case neck brushes
4-M500 Mechanical Scale
5-Uniflow-III Powder Measure
6-Hand Held Priming Tool #90201
7-Universal Case Loading Block
8-Hex Key Set
9-Case Lube Kit #9336
10-Powder Funnel
11-Speer Reloading Manual
Item direct ships to your address from outside source, turnaround time is 3-5 working days.
The Rock Chucker Supreme Single Stage Reloading Press is the Gold Standard other single-stage presses are measured against. For decades it has provided unparalleled versatility and strength to make a great reloading press for beginners and seasoned experts.