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Northern .33 Winchester 200 grain FP bullets (QTY 50)

Northern .33 Winchester 200 grain FP bullets (QTY 50)


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SKU: NP428 Categories: ,


.33 Winchester bullets for sale-.33 WCF Flat Point bullets for sale

Northern Precision 33 Winchester bullets, .338 diameter 200 grain Flat Point (FP) Jacketed Bullets , QTY 50  length: .877

.33 Winchester originally appeared in the Model 1886, factory loads 200-grain Flat Point bullet.  The last printed load data was using the Hornady #3315  Flat Point found in Hornady 4th Edition page 403 where starting loads of 1700 fps was obtained with 28.0 gr H4198, 33.3 gr IMR 3031, 35.1 gr H4895.

Custom-swaged bullets have been made one at a time since 1989, located in the foothills of the Adirondacks in New York.  Northern Precision Custom Bullets (NPCB) fill the gap in classic sizes not found in larger bullet makers.

Additional information

Weight 18 oz

bullet designs


Bullet Diameters


bullet weights in grains