Lee Modern Reloading Manual for sale-Lee 2nd Edition
Hard Cover book, 2nd Edition Lee Reloading Manual, written by Richard Lee. Revised and reprinted 2021. 692 pages. Inside this book Lee Loader (metallic) and Load-All (shot shell) instructions, info on all Lee presses, Intro into rifle and handgun reloading. Section on pressures and Lees “Velocity & Pressure Factors for each 1% Charge Reduction”, enable you to accurately calculate pressure & velocity for reduced loads. And then burn rate charts and Bullet Casting instructions.
525 pages of load data covering 132 rifle calibers from 17 Ackley Bee through 50 BMG. 43 handguns calibers range from 5.7X28 FN through 500 Linebaugh. Overall, over 36,000 loads are covered.