Hornady 6th handbook-Hornady Reloading manual #6
Two book set, excellent condition, 2003 release date.
Hornady Handbook of Cartridge Reloading-Volume 1
Data runs from 17 MACH IV to 50 BMG, hand guns are covered from 22 Remington Jet through 475 Linebaugh
Excellent condition hard cover, 868 pages. Release 2003 Volume 1 will have the trademark Hornady artwork to illustrate reloading and accuracy, basic cartridge reloading techniques,. Interesting rifle data found in the pages: 17 Mach IV, 20 Tactical, separate listings for 223 Rem and 5.56X45 NATO, 225 Winchester, 5.6X57mm RWS, 22 High Power, 6mm PPC, 6.5mm-06. Inside this cover data appears for the Remington Ultra Magnums, Shooting Times Western, Dakota Magnums and 376 Steyr. Notable classics such as 38-55, 405 Winchester. There is 70 handgun listings, some rare ones include the TCU’s and JDJ’s, 7mm International, 7mm IHMSA, 7X45mm Ingram, 7-30 Waters. Classics are represented with 32-20, 38-40, 44-40, 45 Schofield, 45 Colt. The power houses have listings such as 445 Super Magnum, 454 Casull, 475 Linebaugh and 480 Ruger.
Volume 2 is the ballistic and trajectory tables, 1038 pages. Data ranging from .172 through .475