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9mm LUGER used carbide 3-die set (RCBS)

9mm LUGER used carbide 3-die set (RCBS)


1 in stock

SKU: RS20515D Categories: , ,


RCBS 9mm die sets for sale-RCBS 9mm  reloading dies for sale

Gently used RCBS #20515 9 mm 3-die set with #16 Shell Holder.  Can use to reload 9mm LUGER , 9x19mm and 9x23mm (9mm LARGO).

3-Die Set has Carbide Size die, Taper Crimp/Seat Die with two bullet stems, and Expander Die

Condition: AS NEW, reference image of die set in box.

Used dies sold as is, all warranty if any is with the manufacture.  3-Day inspection period.


Additional information

Weight 33 oz

handgun calibers

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Reloading Tools
