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7mm Remington Magnum 156 grain ORYX (Norma, QTY 20)

7mm Remington Magnum 156 grain ORYX (Norma, QTY 20)


10 in stock


7mm Rem Mag ammo for sale-7mm Mag ammunition


Norma #17047 loaded ammunition; 156 grain bonded ORYX bullet, 20 rounds per box

Norma Oryx is perhaps the most famous hunting bullet from Norma. Oryx is a multi-purpose hunting bullet with bonded technology, a soft point and a jacket construction that results in a mushrooming projectile with extreme weight retention.


AMMUNITION SALES: FFL required to the following locations on all ammunition sales: Chicago, IL*Cook County IL*Los Angeles, CA*Massachusetts (state-wide)*Oakland, CA*San Francisco, CA*  Illinois: copy of FOID and State ID on File, Connecticut: AEC or Pistol Permit and State ID on file. No ammunition sales to New York City, NY-Washington, D.C.-P.O. BOXES

Additional information

Weight 32 oz

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