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38/357 caliber 158 gr SWC bullets (QTY 100)

38/357 caliber 158 gr SWC bullets (QTY 100)


2 in stock


.38 lead bullets for sale-Lead .357 SWC bullets for sale

Bag of 100 Colorado Cast 38/357 caliber .357 DIA, 158 grain Semi Wad Cutter (SWC) bullets, packaged from bulk.  Lube ring color may vary from what is pictured.


Description: A SWC bullet combines the features of a round-nosed bullet with a wadcutter bullet, Wad Cutters create a paper punch style clean hole in a target and the longer bullet design promotes better flight characteristics.

Additional information

Weight 36 oz
Bullet Diameters


bullet designs

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bullet weights in grains