Posted by denny mcdaniels on Dec 25, 2024 in Rifle Cartridge Reloading
Below are the instructions from Zack Moran, formerly from Peterson Cartridge Company. The steps he learned by experimenting with the Wildcat Tubes that the company no longer offers but the steps are useful when forming in general.
1-Anneal the top 1/3 of the case (not required but will help forming for sure). Anneal is suggested when forming .30 caliber and smaller to help prevent streaking lines on the case exterior.
2-Lube case well (nice film with finger application) should not have excessive lube on exterior of case. Case Sizing Wax works best.
3-Remove stem and decapping pin from full length die.
4-Screw die about half way into the press (from where you normally set die up for full length resizing)
5-Slowly work case into die going part way in back out part way in back out until you get the ram all the way up.
6-Bring die down to about ¾” of the way to where you normally would se tit up to size and repeat step 5
7-Bring die down to regular sizing depth in the press and repeat step 5 (each time make sure case is lubed still with your fingers)
8-Trim excess length from the case overall length. (Trim only if case is getting to long in step 6 as well)
9-Put decapping pin and mandrel back in your die set and lube the case mouth size case like you normally would.
10-Load and shoot like any other brass case.