Posted by denny mcdaniels on Apr 10, 2024 in Handgun Cartridge Reloading Info, Product Review
Illustrations below is details basics Reloading 101. Starter kits vary from under $200 to over $400, difference is basically amount of tools and a ranking from good to better and finally the best (all subject to opinion). BASIC KITS (click here) provide all the tools necessary to begin except the actual die sets which are caliber specific and sold separately. Click here to view Rifle Die Sets, Click here to Handgun Die Sets . Most Lee Precision dies include a shell holder, all others that is a item that must be added, click here to view Duck Creek’s selection chart. When shopping for die sets and shell holders Duck Creek Sporting Goods make the process simple, the filters allow you to select the caliber of choice and view all the products on hand associated with that particular cartridge.
Accompany video details reloading basics of a 9mm. The process for reloading what is referred to as “bottle-neck” (generally rifle cartridges) is similar except only the Size Die and Seat Die is used.